In this section, you can join two courses that have been developed in cooperation with experts on developing competencies and work-life balance. Both courses are designed as "self-assessment" and "self-development" tools – therefore, you only need your computer and, more importantly, time to think and reflect on your life. The idea behind this is that there is no "one-size-fits-all" WLB for everyone, and it is always your decision about your priorities and how you are going to invest your time.
The two courses are not interlinked, and it is up to you if you start with "My Perspective – Tool for Better Self-knowledge" or with "Job Stage Analysis."
We would be happy if you sent us your feedback after completing the course(s) (even only partially) in the Give Feedback form.
If you would like to continue with your efforts, but on a more face-to-face level, you can find useful contacts in the "Contacts" section HERE.
This Work-Life Balance tool is composed of three topics: past, values, and life vision.
Each area offers a series of activities to help you to map a topic. The amount of time you should spend on each exercise is indicated. The individual activities do not require preparation in advance. You can either choose partial activities only, or you can go through the whole module.
Each theme is complemented by inspirational videos and publication tips, if you would like to devote more attention to the area, or it simply takes your interest.
Course 1 does not divide your work life and personal life, it works with time as a limited resource and your life priorities. Download individual worksheets – you can fill them directly in PDF form or print them out – depending on your preferences. We also recommend following the order PAST – VALUES – LIFE VISION.
... is focused on naming your resources and the key moments in your life that can support you in the future. The point is to be aware of what you have already achieved and how it can manifest itself in the next part of your life.
... offer a reflection on the personal and work plan, what principles are important to you, and what really motivates you.
... allows you to look into the future and clarify the direction in which you would like your life to head.
The Job Stage Analysis is composed of identifying the tasks you do in your job, the level of motivation, and performance related to each task. The tool can, however, also be filled in from the perspective of your personal life, where your job can be, for example, "to be a great father/mother/partner, or maybe a golf player" :-).
The Job Stage Analysis provides you with simple processing of the information entered. Based on the three core values you fill in, the analysis identifies tasks located in your core area (high motivation, high performance), development area (high motivation, low performance), what now area (low motivation, low performance), and risk area (low motivation, high performance).
This tool does not offer any instructions, or tell you what you should do. Instead, it offers you a clear picture of your job (or personal tasks) as a starting point for your reflection.
Job Stage Analysis can be repeated at any time and you can see if there is any positive or negative development in your career or personal life.
We would be happy if you sent us your feedback after completing the course (even only partially) in the Give Feedback form.
The job stage analysis has been presented also (in paper form) at the LIBRA Work-Life Balance training for leaders from HR departments and other administration staff from the project consortium on December 1, 2016 (Brno) by key note speaker Andrea Handsteiner. In the process preparing the of deliverable 5.4, it was transformed an into on-line version. The on-line tool also enables collection of anonymous data on the number of the people, their institution, stage of career, gender and position (if entered). This enables basic data analysis , e.g. if a particular institute receives information that a high percentage of people from the institute have low motivation, the institute can react.